Anonymous suggestion boxes were placed in public spaces with a simple prompt: "Leave a message for, give advice to, or share a memory about dads."
What you see here are the unedited, raw words that people took the time to write, draw, or scribble on index cards and drop into the box. Each message - whether heartfelt, funny, or hard to read - is a glimpse into someone’s real experience.
This is a social experiment in honesty. No matter the content (except for swears), these messages deserve to be heard in a non-judgmental space.
"Don't give up on your child."
“My dad and I throwing a ball back & forth while I was swinging on a swing. So fun. It was a game we made up called “Always gotta be ready” because I never knew when he would throw the ball and I had to always be ready to catch it while swinging”

“It’s never too late to fix your mistakes”
"The unconditional 'yes' my Dad would always give to the opportunity to play catch or go do an activity every time. There was never a moment of being tired from work that he couldn't spare with his son to create a memory! Those have lasted a lifetime.”
“My dad cheated. 4 women in 8 days”
“My dad fart in my fan. It makes my house smell :( Love him though”
“Here’s a message from a Dad. If you’re a nice father and don’t think your significant other could take your children, and The State will help, then you’ll be heartbroken. Dishing out money even if they live 4 states away. Point is women and even the State are crooked and evil. Marriage today is a sham.”
“Make your young kids childhood as magical as possible <3 Mine built me a little fairy house and would leave me letters often from the fairies. I wish I could give him one last hug”

"The only song my dad can play on the guitar is 'Rhinestone Cowboy' and he plays it every single day for my entire life and it's kinda annoying tbh"
“NO Drugs”
“ur chill asf thanks for being a dad. My dad showed me racing. I’m 49”
“Please don’t talk about money 24/7. Thank you! Money can’t buy everything”
“English or Spanish. Whoever moves first is a ****”